T&C Site Services is pleased to announce the addition of two new vehicles to our fleet. Our new Iveco 3.5 tonne and Hino 7.5 tonne vehicles furnished with special tyre fitting equipment join our Renault 32 tonne vehicle at our Essex depot.
Our vehicles have been outfitted with the Brigade Sidescan system in compliance with Crossrail’s site rules. Sidescan is a unique system that uses ultrasonic sensors along the left side of a vehicle to detect obstacles 1 metre away from the sensor. The system will then alert the driver both audibly and visually on a display mounted in the cab. At the same time a speaking alarm fitted to the underside of the truck will alert any cyclist or pedestrian to the potential danger of the turning vehicle.
A low speed and turn indicator trigger make sure that the system only activates at low speed when the indicator is in use. Under-run guards have also been fitted as well as uniquely identifying Crossrail signs. Fixed to the rear of the vehicles are reversing cameras which are displayed in the cab. Also fitted to the rear are white sound audible warnings. These reversing alarms are ideal for vehicles working in high ambient noise levels. The multi-frequency alarms are only heard in the danger zone, thus eliminating noise nuisance for local residents. These alterations allow our vehicles to attend breakdowns on all Crossrail work sites.

7.5 tonne Hino custom built tyre fitting vehicle with all Crossrail safety specifications
Crossrail is the biggest engineering project in Europe. The Crossrail train route will pass through 37 stations and run 118 km (73 miles) from Maidenhead and Heathrow airport in the west, through new twin-bore 21 km (13 miles) tunnels to Canary Wharf, Shenfield and Abbey Wood in the east. Currently there are 20 work sites open in London and the south east. All Crossrail contractors can now benefit from these specialty tyre fitting vehicles.